
Showing posts from January, 2023

Reflection Day 15

 Today we read and analyzed a few poems by Emily Dickinson. In my opinion, her poems are depressing. In one poem she changes her perspective at a funeral in which she is the person in the casket. In another poem she talks about a break up and having to forget about the person she was recently in love with to save her heart. Other than that, the lesson was pretty solid. 

Reflection Day 14

 Today was laid back since we did not take the quiz. Instead, we studied our vocabulary words for the entire class period.

Reflection Day 13

 Today we did an exercise related to Logos, Pathos, and Ethos. We talked about teen shootings happing in Atlanta, Georgia, and how we should prevent them from happening. We read the document and created a solution using information from the paper. My solution was to have the community involved by setting up programs that will keep teens from engaging in such violence. In fact, the people I attended summer camp with were shot. Luckily he lived to see another day.

Reflection Day 12

 Today we learned more about Pathos, Ethos, and Logos. Pathos is  to persuade an audience by purposely evoking certain emotions to make them feel the way the author wants them to feel. Ethos is   a rhetorical or written technique that appeals to an audience or reader's ethics . Finally, Logos is  to appeal to the audience's sense of reason or logic .  We did an exercise in which we created a way to persuade the administrators to increase funding for better tech. After the exercise, we analyzed some advertisements and judged whether they were Pathos, Ethos, or Logos

Reflection Day 11

 Today I was not in class. I had to go to the counselor so that she can assist me with picking my classes for my senior year. I was however able to come in for the last 5 minutes and my classmates had learned about Pathos, Ethos, and Logos.

Reflection Day 10

 Today was a pretty chill day, we worked on vocabulary words for the unit test on Friday. Nothing exciting happened other than seeing my fellow classmates.

Reflection Day 9

 Today we did an exercise on creating a brainstorming cluster. The topic was something that is overrated. I chose Shein because they sell over hyped, fast fashion clothing that pollutes the Earth. It also leaves laborers who make the product with health problems. This is due to the dangerous work conditions. Overall, Shein is not a good brand to buy. After making our clusters, we presented them to our class.

Cluster 2


Reflection Day 8

 Today we watched a short film. In the short film, a high school student does not fit in with her class and sits by herself at lunch. As she is drawing she looks around and sees students fitting into their group but having the same mask. Some even had multiple masks. These masks represent the students trying to find their identity. The teacher didn't have any masks because they already developed their identity. The main character found her identity when she broke her mask. As a result, she took it off and ended her search for her true self. After watching the film, we learned more about the writing process. We did an exercise that focused on revising and editing paragraphs. Overall, today was pretty engaging.


 In the short film, a high school student does not fit in with her class and sits by herself at lunch. As she is drawing she looks around and sees students fitting into their group but having the same mask. Some even had multiple masks. These masks represent the students trying to find their identity. The teacher didn't have any masks because they already developed their identity. The main character found her identity when she broke her mask. As a result, she took it off and ended her search for her true self.

Reflection Day 7

 Today we continued going over the writing process. We did an exercise that covered brainstorming and drafting. We copied down a sample paragraph that focused on getting a job. After, we wrote our own outline for a sample paper on getting a job. Personally, I do not like being employed. The only reason I would is to learn a skill that will benefit me in the future. Overall, this class was interactive.

My Cluster


Reflection Day 6

Today we learned about the writing process in terms of writing a paper. Before writing a paper it is best to create an outline. Then write the draft. Finally, edit and revise. Next, we created an outline for getting and maintaining a job. Before going over the writing process, we took a test on the poem written by Langston Hughes. Using the process of elimination I was able to narrow down my choices on the multiple-choice questions. 

The Last 3 Minutes

In the short film the main character has a crystal that records his memories. While he was working he had a heart attack and his crystal dropped out of his pocket. He then tries to grab it and it replays all of his memories. This is similar to the proverb, "when a man dies, his tongue does not rot". 

Reflection Day 2

Today my class and I went over Langston Hughes. I already heard of him before, so I was pretty familiar with his work. We analyzed his poem, The Negro Speaks of Rivers. After the analysis, we had a brief discussion about genealogy. Mr. Reese showed his family tree to the class, and the thing that caught my attention was when he said that black people's history has been erased so that one can only trace their family back to 1822. That statement may be true for the majority of black people, but it's not true to all. I created a family tree of my own and traced back to 1776. Other than that, I would say I enjoyed the class today.

Bell Ringer

The advice that my parents gave me was to remain in honor. In mainstream society, people have lost their respect for others. Children don't respect adults and the elderly and vice versa. People don't respect each other's privacy. Wars aren't even fought in honor. As a result of this advice, I have incorporated honor into my life.

Reflection Day 1

 Today we watched a short film called the elevator. In the short film, a white male enters an elevator to get to the 9th floor. On his way up several people get on. Due to their size, the main character is concerned about the weight limit. After the next stop, he ran off the elevator and took a different one due to the size of the next person getting on. After, he got on another elevator, but this elevator had sick people in it. This made him instantly regret his decision. The theme of this film is you cannot cross the river without getting your feet wet. After watching the short film we did a Kahoot in which I only made the top 5. Lastly, we took a pre-assessment.

The Elevator

In the short film a white male enters an elevator to get to the 9th floor. On his way up several people get on. Due to their size the main character is concerned about the weight limit. After the next stop he ran off the elevator and took a different one due to the size of the next person getting on. After, he got on another elevator, but this elevator had sick people in it. This made him instantly regret his decision. The theme of this film is you cannot cross the river without getting your feet wet.


     My name is Aalim, I am 17 years old, and I aspire to be a mechanical engineer. I enjoy roller skating,  skateboarding, flying, and welding. My top three music artists are Pi'erre Bourne, Young Nudy, and Duwap Kaine. One fact is that I mainly write cursive. Another is that I am a student pilot working on my PPL. I also run a business. This Summer I want to travel to Florida when I get my private pilot license.